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About uLesson

How did we evolve uLesson from an Assessment service provider to a reputable education provider?

We work on providing the best and uLesson was one of those that projects has grown in an iterative manner. When we received this project there was a clear requirement from the organization to proceed with development having the aim of business expansion. We worked on developing a digitally advanced platform that makes education easy for students from every level. It was a long process to execute this project and present the outcomes. We worked on integrating various features personalized assistance, tracking of the platform, proper assignment service management, and downloading free classes.

Process & Scope



User Persona

User Persona

User Flow

User Flow



UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design







Our Project Challenges

Challenges are considered the growth factor of our success for any project. During the formation of the uLesson platform and app, we faced different challenges at different levels and successfully overcame them. The first challenge we faced in developing this project was the proper management of the educational data. Our developers had issues while handling user interactions, progress tracking, and performing analytics of the videos. After facing this we integrated proper data management strategies in which developers designed database and analytics systems as per the client requirements.

The other challenging incident came with cross-platform compatibility issues such as issues within different devices, browsers, and operating systems. While testing the build we faced issues with the iOS app, as it was not running properly. Then after solving these issues properly gave it the proper execution on the iOS platform.

Project Challenges u-lesson

The Solutions

This is Amplework’s major strategy to focus on accomplishing what is the requirement of the client first. The development of uLesson was completely adventurous and we added a variety of features on its platform.

Keeping the platform up-to-date with the latest technologies, security patches, and feature enhancements is an ongoing challenge. Regular maintenance is essential to address bugs, optimize performance, and add new functionalities.

Many educational platforms integrate with external tools and services. Developers must manage API integrations, ensure compatibility with third-party applications, and handle potential issues related to updates or changes in external systems.

The application has various features and one of its unique features is integration with other platforms. To be specific we worked on integrating uLesson app with WhatsApp and SMS for the disclosure of weekly reports of the students. For setting up this third-party integration, this application was introduced to many users.

Solutions u-lesson
ideas u-lesson