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About Soflete

Soflete is a reputable organization that provides premium healthcare & fitness training services that are affectively. This platform provides unique services for athletes with many advanced features that are rarely present in any other apps. These are fitness training, sups or nutrition, mobile knowledge sharing, and relatable accessories. All these four service sections are the complete source of your strengthening needs and are dedicatedly designed to enhance the tactical athlete.

soflete apps

How we transformed a Swift platform into a React native one?

This is right when we try our best then the outcomes result in what we want to achieve. When we got this project it was a complete e-commerce website for selling products related to fitness based on Swift development technology. The major aim was to expand business from the more advanced technical reach. Then we started working on its redevelopment and mobile application development. This mobile app development process adds specific features like providing certified training to professionals, establishing an online community, and many others.

Our Process

Our Process

Project Analysis

  • Platform Inspection
  • Scalability Issue
  • Roadmapping


  • Android
  • iOS Development
  • User Testing


  • App Store & Play Store Deployment
  • Pre-Post Launch Maintenance


  • Market Research
  • CGaining KnowledgeUser Interview
Project Analysis

Amplework Development Journey with Soflete

The establishment of the business relationship between Softlete and Amplework resulted in more than what was needed. This project came up with a complete reverse structure of what we have developed and provided the final outcome. The project was successfully developed by going through the innovative redevelopment process of Swift to React Native development.

We worked on creating a technical feature reach website as well as the cross-platform supporting mobile application. Along with this, we have an ever-growing long-term business relationship with the company that gives us a chance to provide our services in the best possible way.