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Staff Augmentation Services

Hire the Right People for Your Business with Expert Remote Hiring Solutions

Amplework Software

Turbocharge Your Team With Staff Augmentation

Our staff augmentation services are designed to support corporations in expanding their teams. We provide prowess professionals & best-in-class industry expertise. Our remote staff augmentation solutions will be going to bring a range of advantages - such as: quick onboarding, qualified personnel and higher scalability with remote workforces.

Utilize our exceptional IT staff augmentation services to effortlessly scale up or downsize your team members based on your specific requirements. By adopting this flexible approach, your corporation can maintain a competitive edge and swiftly respond to the ever-changing dynamics of the market. Countless corporations have already partnered with Amplework for our unrivaled remote working staff solutions. We take immense pride in offering cost-effective, highly efficient, and incredibly convenient solutions that cater to your unique business needs. Feel free to adjust the text as per your requirements.

IT Staff Augmentation Services

More Talent, Less Hassle With Our Augmentation Services

We’re the IT staff augmentation company that ensures a streamlined and hassle-free way to expand teams with top-tier talents. So, quickly & easily fill the gaps with our expert services.


Staff Augmentation Consulting Services

It's time to leverage our expertise by incorporating our exceptional consultancy services to build and nurture your dream team. We offer extensive consulting to maximize your ROI and achieve your business goals.


Dedicated On-Demand Team

Get instead access to top-tier talent whenever you need it. Our dedicated on-demand team will be going to provide you with skills, knowledge and experience for improving business performance.


Agile & Flexible Teams

With our solutions, you’ll be able to quickly ramp up or down your team members in accordance with your ever-evolving business requirements. We ensure to provide you with ultimate flexibility and complete control over your workforce.


Remote & On-Board Hiring Support

Through our comprehensive remote and on-board hiring support services, you can expediently integrate highly skilled and qualified team members to meet the specific demands of your projects. We ensure a seamless & efficient transition for your team.


Vendor Transition

Make a transition from your current vendor to Amplework Software for remote staffing solutions. Our transparent policies ensure that your projects stay on track and within your budget.


Pay-As-You-Go Model

Our staff augmentation services enable you to pay only for the services you need. It ensures a maximum value for the investment because you can increase or decrease staff strengths as per your project requirements.

Amplework: Your Trusted Source For Critical IT Roles

Trust Amplework to deliver exceptional IT staff solutions with different IT roles of your organization. Ensure your projects are always on track with our trusted operations.

App Developers

Data Architects

DevOps Engineers

MVP Developers

UI/UX Designers

Integration Engineers

Software Architects

Testing Engineers

Business Analysts

Data Scientists

Industry Experts

Why Amplework?

Our robust digital solutions for extending your team with talented IT professionals ensures to develop high-quality products or services. So connect with our projects managers to hire best tech brains:

  • 93% Client Retention Rate.
  • 350+ Projects Accomplished.
  • 200M+ Revenue Generated by Clients.
  • Developers With 5+ Years of Experience.
  • Avail 2-Week Free Trial.
  • Source Code Authorization.
  • Secure With NDA and IP Protection.
  • Zero Additional or Hidden Charges.
  • Agile & Adaptive Development.
  • Complete Control Over Team.
  • Strict NDAs Signed & Privacy.
  • Smart IT infrastructure.

Augment Your Team, Amplify Your Results

Choosing staff augmentation services allows you to scale your project so that you can focus on the bigger picture. You’ll get some astonishing benefits with augmented staffing models.



Faster time-to market



Gain complete control



Access to skilled talent



Save time & money



Access to 3rd party guidance



Operational Efficiency

Technology Stacks

Our software testing services cover a wide range of technology stacks. We use cutting-edge technologies to ensure your software should be thoroughly tested for optimal performance.

  • Front-end technologies
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue.js
  • Back-end technologies
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Mobile app development
  • iOS (Swift, Objective-C)
  • Android (Java, Kotlin)
  • React Native
  • Xamarin
  • Database technologies
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • SQL
  • Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Cloud Services
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • DevOps Tools
  • Git
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Ansible
  • CMS
  • Wordpress
  • Drupal
  • Testing & QA
  • Apache
  • JMeter
  • Postman
  • Selenium
  • REST-assured
  • Server
  • AWS
  • Digital Ocean
  • Heroku

Advantages of Incorporating Amplework’s IT Staff Augmentation

Our expertly crafted IT staff augmentation services are effectively designed to offer you a competitive advantage in the IT universe!

Custom Designs

We offer custom designs that are tailored to meet your specific business needs and requirements. We will be going to create visually stunning designs that will reflect your brand identity.

Post-Delivery Support

Our post-delivery support ensures that your applications should operate smoothly without any bugs or errors. We always address issues or concerns if they arise after application deployment.

Secure Operations

We take the security of your users as a top priority. We use the latest security protocols to ensure that your app should be completely protected against any unauthorized access, disclosure or modification.

User-Centric Navigations

Our services keep user-centric navigations to keep your user satisfaction rate at an optimum level. These navigations are easy to use and intuitive which will be going to generate a better user experience.

Robust Features

We offer robust features that will be designed to meet your business goals and requirements. We’ll brainstorm ideas for determining the best available features to include in your application.

Affordable Solutions

We believe that each business deserves high-quality solutions that should be in budget and meet expectations. At Amplework, we ensure to deliver budgeted solutions with zero sacrifice on quality parameters.

Amplework’s Engagement Models For Saving Up-To 60% Operational Costs

Our engagement models are designed & tailored as per the requirements of our clients. Through our three engagement model types (full-time, part-time and monthly), you can optimize your time and business resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mobile App & Web Development Company

Empower Your Business with Staff Augmentation

At Amplework, we take pride in delivering exceptional Staff Augmentation Services designed to elevate your business to new heights. Whether you need to bolster your workforce for a critical project or require specialized skills on demand, our flexible solutions have you covered.

Yes, you’ll going to get complete control over the remote team members. You can communicate with team members, you can set deadlines, monitor their working progress, etc. So, collaborate with them and get complete access to your team members (similarly, like if they’re working in your in-house team).

Yes, you’ll going to get complete control over the remote team members. You can communicate with team members, you can set deadlines, monitor their working progress, etc. So, collaborate with them and get complete access to your team members (similarly, like if they’re working in your in-house team).

We proudly state that we are counted among the most budgeted IT staff augmentation companies in USA. We provide following services to our clients with a complete guarantee for quality outputs:
  • Staff Augmentation Consulting Services
  • Dedicated On-Demand Team
  • Agile & Flexible Teams
  • Pay-As-You-Go Model
  • Remote & On-Board Hiring Support
  • Vendor Transition

Our engagement models are designed & tailored as per the requirements of our clients. Through our three engagement model types (full-time, part-time and monthly), you can optimize your time and business resources. We also offer a 2-Week Free Trial to our clients for evaluating our services.

Yes, we do sign non-disclosure agreement (NDAs) with our clients to ensure complete confidentiality and security of sensitive information. We effectively take client’s privacy seriously and we always strive to maintain complete data security.

Yes, you can take services as per your availability and as per your preferred time zone.

At Amplework, our team of experts implement robust security measures to provide complete security of operations. We incorporate the use of latest data encryption methods, secure data centers, firewalls, access control systems and many more.

Our team can quickly ramp up or scale down the team size to ensure that you should have the right resources. So, without bearing any additional cost of operations you can increase or decrease team sizes in a minimal amount of time.

Let's See What Our Client Say's About Us